
How to Take Care of Your Cat

Cats are cute creatures that can take care of themselves. But if you were to have one as a pet, you should know certain things about how to take care of your cat. It is different when you got this as a kitten to a full grown feline.

If you got this as a kitten, it will easily be able to adapt itself to the environment because it will allow itself to be ruled by other pets. This means there will be fewer incidents of fighting among themselves.

Lucky for you, kittens that often sold to owners are already litter trained. The only thing you have to do now is teach it where to go when nature calls.

Your kitten will follow you wherever you go and at times jump or climb up to the kitchen counter or table. This isnt good if you have food there so discourage this habit by having a bottle full of water around so you can squirt it into their face.

It will also be a good idea to install a scratching post since this is their way of sharpening their nails. If they do this elsewhere, spray them again in the face.

Apart from working on the scratch pad, you should trim their nails before it gets too sharp that it could hurt someone or damage the furniture in the house. You do this by pressing down on each toe which makes the claws extend. This should be inspected regularly so they also get used to it as they grow older.

Kittens do not shed that much hair compared to bigger cats. But you should comb them anyway so they get used to it regardless if your pet is a short or long haired cat.

Dont just give your cat anything to eat. They must be of good quality that can be found in the pet store. If you are not sure about which brand has the highest vitamins and minerals, go ask your vet for some recommendations. There must be a clean bowl of water as well so they dont get dehydrated.

Aside from feeding the kitten, he or she should be brought to the vet for shots. They usually get a few while they are young but get a regular one annually as they get bigger. Be sure to keep a record of the shots so this can be shown to the doctor.

If you have a big cat, give them room to adapt to the new environment on their own. If your pets quarrel, dont worry or get in between them because this is normal. But if things are really bad, then you have to separate them by confining both in different rooms.

An older cat also needs to be disciplined so they know what they can and cannot do. This is why you need to keep the squirt bottle handy as this is the best way to tell them it is wrong without physically hurting them.

House cats should always be kept indoors. Studies have shown that this extends their life for over ten years since going outside puts them at risk of being hit by a car or contaminated with a virus from stray animals. Just so you know strays cats that live outdoors only live for a couple of years.

It doesnt take much to know how to take care of a cat. Do some research and practice so both of you will enjoy each others company.

Keeping Your Cat Healthy and Your Home

There’s no question that our cats are full-fledged family members. Their loyalty, their love, and their ability to comfort us are unparalleled. Sometimes, though, their hair or odors can leave an unwelcome footprint in our homes. Just as we clean up the spills made by our kids (or our spouses!), it’s up to us to clean up after our cats. Luckily, there are any number of products that make pet care a breeze.

Cat Litter Boxes

Cats are generally low maintenance pets, but their litter boxes often contribute little to you home decor, and can become a smelly nuisance. Today’s litter boxes, though, can bring a touch of whimsy to your interior design, while their functionality can put an end to messes and odors.

One line of litter boxes comes in an assortment of patterns and colors, from solid silver and solid black, to polka dot, leopard print and wood grain. The litter tray door pulls out, and a metal sifter rake pulls and lifts litter out of the tray for easy cleaning. Another ingenious design has a triangular shape so that you can easily place it otherwise used corner space.

If you want to make cat care even easier, self-cleaning litter boxes are the answer. One style has an internal grill that traps used litter. You simply roll the enclosed litter box on its side and remove the waste tray. Another type takes self-cleaning to the next level by having a slowly but rotating system that quietly but continuously scoops used cat litter into a receptacle. The ultimate litter box is one that automatically flushes cat waste down your toilet. Instead of cat litter, this box uses permanent granules that are washable. After your cat uses the box, the granules are automatically washed, disinfected, and dried. Liquid and any solid waste are flushed down the toilet with fresh water.

Kitty Litter

When it comes to kitty litter, many cats have a preference for one brand over another. But if you start with the right litter or are persistent, you can find kitty litter that can help eliminate odors while keep your cat healthy. One brand of kitty litter on the market not only neutralizes litter box odors, but also changes color if your cat has a urinary tract infection. Given that urinary tract infections can quickly become life threatening, early detection is key. It’s also helpful to have information about a potential infection to give to your veterinarian.

Shedding Tools

Many people who love cats are troubled by allergies, or by the cat hair that clings to furniture and clothes. Products that help with shedding take one of two approaches: either they work at the source of the problem (your furry feline) or they make it a snap to clean up hair off of furniture.

Cats typically shed their undercoat (rather than the hair you see), so a product that helps you remove hair from your pet – a “furminator” of sorts – means you’ll never see it on your couch. These products brush out the dead hair from the undercoat (but don’t cut it), while bringing your cat’s natural oils to the surface. Because this type of product also helps stops over zealous self-cleaning, your cat may be less likely to be bothered by hairballs.

Cat care isn’t difficult, and the great litter boxes, kitty litter, and shedding tools make it even easier!

A Basic Introduction to Cat Eye Care

The eyes of your feline friends have often been used on horror films. But if you are a pet owner, you will know that the cat’s stare is really the opposite of what’s being portrayed on films. That is why you have to know the importance of cat eye care.

I Love You

How do cats say these words? Through their eyes, of course. That is why you shouldn’t be frightened by that gaze. How does this work? First, the cat stares at you for a long while. And after that, it blinks its eyes slowly. Some people tag this as a cat’s kiss. But you can also say that this is your cat’s way of saying that it loves you.

But how do you return the favor? Easy, just follow your cat’s lead. Stare at it for a long time and then slowly blink your eyes. See? Cats’ eyes can also be used as elements for romantic films.

Not a Third Eye

Don’t believe the horror films you see. Cats don’t have a third eye. Their eyesight is really sharper than with humans. Instead of a third eye, what cats have is a third eyelid. This is called a nictitating membrane.

This inner eyelid protects the eyes of the cats from harm and also from dryness. You will notice that when a cat is sick, this membrane will somewhat close. This should alarm you to call the vet or get your cat to them fast.

But this third eyelid will also show once a cat is happy. So you will know what mood your cat is in just by looking at the membrane.

The Pupil

Your feline friend’s pupil of the eyes should also be observed. A change in size of one pupil can be an indication of an inflammation. It can also be a sign of a kind of a disorder in neurologic called Horner’s Syndrome. Or worse, it can also indicate tumors or injuries in the central nervous system.

The Nocturnal Vision

Do not believe what others say that cats are color blind. They see some. They may not see as clear as humans do, but it’s not like that they cannot see any colors at all.

Cats can also see clearly from afar. It’s very different from people. They find it blurry to be looking at things that are so close to them.

Yes, cats have the nocturnal vision. But they can’t see in complete darkness. Do you see the muscles on their iris that surround the pupils of their eyes? They are constructed in a way that it narrows into a vertical split when they are exposed in the bright lights. And it opens fully when the acts are in a quite dim light.

This feature of the cats may be traced back to their roots. They can use such to hunt for food during the night if they were left out in the jungle or left with no one to care for them.

So forget about the horror flicks. You’ve already got the thrills. Not it’s time to put some effort into cat eye care. Do not let a minor thing worsen. Call the vet immediately when something’s amiss. You don’t want your cat to lose their sight or even lose their lives. It is always better to be safe than blind.

Cat Skin Care Dandruff

Cat dandruff is common among diabetic cats. A study shows that happens in 1 in 200 cats have what is known as diabetes mellitus (DM) and if you want your pet to get better, here are some things you can do.

The cause of this problem is associated with poor nutrition. So, instead of buying one of those generic brands of cat food, maybe you should change it and go for one of those that are of good quality even if it may cost a little more.

You can also give food supplements that contain fish oil which have proven to correct the dandruff problem. This may also come from canned tuna since it is rich in Omega 43 fatty acids that will improve their hair in about a week.

The symptoms that will tell you if your cat has a skin care problem like dandruff includes an increase in their appetite, excessive thirst or urination, dehydration, depression, muscle wasting, lethargy, weight loss and an umkempt hair coat that is a direct result of poor grooming. It gets worse when the cat displays weak rear legs.

Aside from a cat being diabetic, other risk factors include certain steroid injections, neutering and old age. The cold weather could be another cause since it dries the cats skin. If your hunch is correct, you can fix this problem by buying a topical and oral treatment that is designed to treat dry skin.

Aside from dandruff, owners should also worry about allergies as this also causes skin problems among cats. This may come from cleaners, pollen, food and other sources and since it is hard to pinpoint the exact cause, owners are advised to use only natural care products in cleaning the home.

The cat should also be confined indoors to prevent them from roaming outside. Studies have shown that sunburn kills the top layer of their skin causing it to dry and flake off. Repeated sunburn may result to skin cancer so if you decide to let them go out, this should be done before 10 in the morning and after 4 in the afternoon.

During the winter, the cat should not be allowed to sleep near the fireplace as this also dries out their skin quickly. To keep them warm during the cold months, you should invest in a good humidifier.

The cat may also be infested with fleas and ticks. You can check the cats skin routinely to pull them out and use powder to flush the rest out. The hair should also be combed so this does not happen again.

If the cats skin care problem continues, it is best to bring it directly to the vet as over the counter medications and parasite treatments which you have tried are not good enough to do the trick. Some of the symptoms associated with dandruff could be something else like a skin disorder and one of them is Cheyletiella which requires the help of a professional.

Cat skin care problems like dandruff must be taken cared off immediately before it gets worse. Proper hygiene, diet and grooming are the best ways to keep it away and if household remedies dont work, you better get help so the exact cause can be determined and the proper treatment can be given.