
First Aid Pack for Your Horse Health

Horse supplies run the gamut from grooming products to nutritional supplements. But there is an essential horse supply that you shouldn’t leave your barn, or your saddlebag without. Horse first aid pack might be just the thing that could save your horse’s life.

Hollywood had often dramatized the situation wherein the rider shoots his horse because it is injured. Probably, he doesn’t have his first aid pack with him. No good comes from killing a horse over a minor injury if you could put it out of its agony without pulling the trigger.

Plus, you know from experience that no matter how thought out or planned an outing might be, there are just some things that go awry. It’s not being paranoid, it is being prepared. Your preparation might help prevent your ride from turning into a Hollywood drama.

The kit must be stored in a container or bag that can keep moisture and dirt out because these encourage the growth of bacteria. You would just aggravate your horse’s infection if you used contaminated bandages. Stores that sell horse supplies carry items such as a plastic zipper bag.

Aside from keeping tools, or grooming equipment, these are also good for storing first aid items. Groceries sell plastic food containers in varying sizes. Aside from keeping possible contaminants out, you could also choose one that could fit in your saddlebag.

Among the things that you should include in your kit, a disinfectant probably is the most handy in most injuries. From minor scrapes and abrasions to wounds, disinfectants are essential cleansers. Just follow the manufacturers’ instructions especially when using industrial grades as excessive use could dry your horse’s skin.

Antiseptic scrubs and swabs become useful for disinfecting wounds in the absence of water. These are excellent substitutes for disinfectants because they clean wounds with the same efficiency, but without the need for water. Ointments or wound powders are also worthy additions to your kit.

They can prevent entrance of new bacteria inside the wound and speed up the healing process. However, be sure to use ointments, powders, and creams that have been approved by your vet. A fly repellent applied or sprayed on the wound lowers further infection or contamination risks considerably. Wound dressings come in sterile individual packs and they are good for covering wounds and promoting healing.

There should be a supply of bandages in your kit, or at least two with a wide breadth. They are good for stabilizing fractures, splints, and securing pads over bleedings. Speaking of bleedings, cotton wool and gauze are essential for preventing excess bleeding. Salts are good for soaking diseased hooves and feet.

Aside from these medications, there are some supplies which you can buy from equine stores and regular drug stores. Petroleum jellies are good for chafing, minor burns, and skin sores. Thermometer is an investment to add to your horse supplies.

Expert riders advise to keep your thermometers clipped to the tail of your horse to avoid loss. Scissors, tweezers, and forceps are tools you shouldn’t forget adding to your first aid pack. Aside from cutting bandages, they are also perfect for removing splinters and stones stuck in horses’ hooves.

Lastly, these first aid pack is just for providing your horse help in emergencies before the vet arrives. These are just for preventive measures, meaning they can’t cure your horse. It is still important to call a vet after applying first aid.

Horse Health – Hoof Care

Hoof care is a vital part of maintaining your horses overall health. You should check your horses hooves daily, and at the very least, two to three times per week. You should becomve very familiar with what is normal and what is not, and to notice any problems that may be starting. Using this simple checklist may assist you in your daily grooming routine.

1.As you approach your horse make sure the symmetry is close, they do not have to be exactly equal, but very close to the same size and shape.

2.Carefully examine for defects in the wall and coronary band. Pick up the hoof, run your hand over the outside of the wall to feel for defects. Use the exact procedure for the coronary band and then squeeze it gently, these two procedures will also show tender spots and moisture bearing areas.

3.Carefully inspect the sole. Check the coloring in each hoof. They should be the same in color. A clearly delineated dark spot indicates a bruise or puncture wound.

4.Look and compare the frogs. The two front hooves should be similar in size and shape and the same with the rear hooves. You should lightly press each frog with your hoof pick, in most areas, with the exception of desert areas, they should be slightly spongy.

5.If your horse is shod, grasp the shoe and see if it wiggles. Check for missing clinches, if the shoe is loose you may choose to remove the shoe before your horse loses it on her own and possibly taking a chunk of her hoof with it.

If you keep a good close eye on your horses hooves, you can avoid a lot of issues by catching the problem before it gets severe. I would recommend you work into your daily hoof cleaning a few simple steps. Use your hoof pick from heel to toe.

If it is tightly packed you may need to loosen it up a bit before it is removed. Once all the debris is removed, check all the areas of the hoof and make sure there is not a bad odor as this is a clear cut sign of thrush. Make sure there are no pebbles or stones lodged anywhere, even under the shoe.

Your horses hooves should exhibit a natural glossy luster of the hoof wall. A smooth uniform surface free of cracks, rings, dishes and flares; a concave sole that touches the shoe then you can be pretty sure that your horses hooves are in good health.