
How Important Is Pet Dental Care?

Dental care is an important part of caring for your pet. Just like humans dogs have teeth that can cause problems if they are not cared for with a proper dental routine. You may have already noticed, but dogs can suffer from bad breath just like humans can.

Your vet is an important part of this dental care. Ask your vet to show you how to brush your pets teeth properly. Your vet knows how to brush their teeth properly so your beloved pet doesnt get gum disease or any of the other conditions associated with poor oral hygiene.

You are going to need to spend some time finding the right toothbrush for your dog. You can use a childs toothbrush but it is recommended that you rather buy a special toothbrush for your pet. It will make brushing easier and will be worth the money.

To buy a toothbrush you can visit your vet or local pet supply store. You might be surprised to see how many variations of pet toothbrushes and toothpastes there are. Rather ask for help if you are not sure about what kind to get. There are some rules for choosing the best brush for your dog. You need to make sure that the bristles are soft so they dont damage the dogs gums. You also need to make sure you choose the right sized brush (just make sure its not too big or too small for your dogs mouth). Lastly check that the handle is big enough for you to comfortably get a grip on the toothbrush.

You cannot use human toothpaste on your dog. Rather use a special high quality toothpaste with ingredients specially formulated for dogs. You need to spend some time choosing your toothpaste too. Cheaper brands might use ingredients that are harmful to your pet, and there are some common ingredients can make your pet sick. Read the labels carefully and check that the toothpaste does not contain salt, detergents or enzymes as these are dangerous for your pet. There is a huge choice at most pet supply stores so ask for help and read the labels carefully.

Brushing your dogs teeth for the first time can be difficult; especially if they are not used to it. This can be avoided by starting when they are puppies but if its too late for that dont worry. The key is to be gentle, speak in a soft voice and do not force the dog. He must learn that it is not a big deal. Start from the back of the mouth and work your way forward in small circular motions.

If your dog really does not want to allow you to brush his teeth without a fight you can use a towel first. Try rubbing his teeth so he gets used to the sensation as well as your fingers in his mouth. Speak encouragingly and softly; you can even sing a little tune to calm him down. After a few patient weeks the dog should allow you to brush his teeth without any hassles.

You should be brushing your dogs teeth daily; but if you cant manage that once every second day should be fine. Its important that you start too see your dogs mouth as your own. By doing this you will ensure that your dogs teeth will last well into old age; and of course his dog breath will improve.

Dental Care For Dogs

Some people dont realize that dental hygiene is as important for dogs as it is for human beings. Just like in people, dogs teeth can gather plaque after eating. When plaque builds up and hardens it becomes a coarse brown substance called tartar. As tartar accumulates it can work its way under the gums and cause painful infections and gum disease. This goes on in the mouths of dogs just like it does in people. You brush your teeth every day, probably three times. What does your dog do?

Teeth Brushing for Doggies

Veterinarians recommend that dog owners brush their dogs teeth at least twice a week to keep the buildup of tartar at a minimum. Most pet supply stores carry specially designed toothbrushes and toothpaste just for dogs. Remember that a dogs sense of taste and smell is far more acute than that of a human and the zesty, tingly, mint taste of toothpastes for people will be extremely awful to a dog. Try brushing Rovers teeth with Crest just once and it will likely be the last time he lets you anywhere near him with a toothbrush. Use the specially designed doggie toothpaste.

Dental Chew

Some people dont have the time or patience to brush their dogs teeth on a regular basis. If youre one of these, youll want to care for Choppers choppers in another way. A dogs natural tendency to chew is a built-in dental care mechanism. Dog biscuits break into small chunks when chewed and rub against the teeth, providing a cleaning service. Theres no substitute for brushing your dogs teeth, but if you cant do that, make sure he gets some sort of crunchy dog biscuit on a regular basis.

Mouth Diseases in Dogs

Dogs that do not receive proper dental care and do not have access to crunchy teeth cleaning foods run the risk of several types of mouth disease. These can be as mild as gingivitis (a gum disease that results in swollen, inflamed gums) and as serious as a bacterial infection that can spread through the dogs bloodstream causing damage to vital organs. You owe it to yourself and your dog to take care of his teeth.

Doggie Dentistry

Dental services are available for dogs, just like they are for people. A dogs teeth can be filled, capped, and extracted if necessary, just like a humans. The best course of action, however, is to avoid the need for such services by properly caring for your dogs teeth. If you can avoid unnecessary pain and discomfort for your furry friend, you should do so. Preventative doggie dental care can save you money as well. Doggie dental procedures can be quite costly.

Dental Care for Cats

Cat dental care is important to make sure that your pet enjoys a clean bill of health among other things. Cats also need their teeth to be taken cared of because it can lead them to a lot of other problems concerning their general health. For instance, if your pet cat has periodontal problems, it might not eat well and experience poor health due to lack of the proper nutrients in the body. That’s how important dental care is for your pet cat.

Most cats may suffer from a wide range of dental conditions if they are not properly cared for. That is why it is the responsibility of the pet owner to make sure that his or her pet cat follows a regimen of good dental hygiene. It may be work, but it well serve you and your pet cat well in the long run.

One of the problems that cats experience with their teeth is plaque. Just like humans, cats also have tartar buildup in their own teeth called plaque. This is due t the many types of food that cats eat with some of the substances accumulating in their teeth that may further lead to the tartar buildup. If the accumulation of plaque continues on, it may lead to gum problems and eventually the loss of your pet cat’s teeth.

Not all cats have the same experience with plaque. Their seems to be some cats who are prone to tartar buildup while there are others that seem to do well even with little dental care. Some cats may require regular teeth cleaning in order to remove the plaque build up from their teeth. Plaque is a whitish yellow deposit that gradually develops on teeth.

In cats, the plaque usually develops in the exterior face of the upper teeth. If left to accumulate, plaque can cause gum problems in cats. This can be seen in reddened gum lines which can indicate that the plaque is already causing some irritation.

In order to prevent the over build up of plaque in your pet cat’s teeth, an annual teeth cleaning may be suggested. Veterinarians usually put the cats under general anesthesia to have their teeth cleaned. But this service can come at some considerable cost. The next best thing would be to have your pet cat’s teeth cleaned at home.

It might take some getting used to when trying to clean your pet cat’s teeth at home. Cats do not usually like to have their teeth cleaned. In order to do this, you might need to have your pet cat placed in a bath towel straitjacket as well as a helper.

A child size tooth brush would work well when cleaning your pet cat’s teeth. You can also make use of some edible toothpaste available in pet stores to make the task easier for you. Sometimes cats can get used to tooth brushing if done on a weekly basis.

Sometimes when you try to observe some pet cat dental care, you might find that your pet cat has a smelly breath. This can be caused by two things. One may occur when a young cat is teething. At around six months of age, cats start to lose their baby teeth with the permanent ones replacing them.

The odor on the cat’s breath may be due to the teeth changing process. The odor on your cat’s breath will eventually subside once the teeth come in.